Why is hemp good for the environment?
Every day there is a new warning from a scientist of a species near extinction, a story of a country on fire, a video of a community expelled from their home by flooding.
Sustainable building: hempcrete houses
Sustainable building using hemp! Read this Nature’s Data blog to find out what hempcrete is, and how it can be used to create carbon-negative houses.
What is the difference between hemp and weed?
Let’s start with the basics. What is hemp exactly, and what is its relation to its infamous cousin, weed?
Carbon sequestration and the ever-expanding carbon market
Carbon sequestration is set to be the next big thing in farming. What is carbon sequestration? It’s the long-term removal, capture or sequestration of carbon dioxide (C02) from the atmosphere: the chief cause of global warming. Today, there are a number of machines and inventions built to suck carbon from the air, to chunnel it